
Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness can brighten up someone's day (or week). Kindness can also have big health benefits for you and will help to boost your mood. Check out our ideas on how you can sprinkle kindness to your family and friends, co-workers...

Living our Vision through ClubGRANTS funding

ClubGRANTS funding allows us to support our community Twelve years ago, when Port Macquarie was still a country town, a community-oriented business saw potential in a riverside bowling club. The Club had deep roots in the local community with iconic...
charity action crowd of bidders

Fundraising ideas: Hosting a successful charity event

There are hundreds of fundraiser events and awareness days in Australia these days. In 2016, there were an estimated 54,000 registered charities in Australia. This means it’s getting harder to get volunteers and donations for charity events and fundraisers. With...

Event Gallery: WorryWoos Presentation Night

Over 4,000 Kids To Embrace Their Emotions With WorryWoos In a world that’s so fast and furious, exciting yet exhausting, never has there been more urgency in educating our children in how to emotionally cope with it all. Now children...

Event Gallery: Mother’s Day Classic 2018

On Mother's Day, 13 May 2018, more than 500 participants donned their pink active wear and headed out to walk all over Breast Cancer. The Mother's Day Classic is a national initiative that encourages members of our community to participate...

Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal Breakfast 2018

The Salvation Army Port Macquarie branch and The Westport Club partnered up again on Friday 18 May to officially launch the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal for 2018, holding a business breakfast with 125 people in attendance. Guest speakers at...

Slice of Haven Food and Wine Festival

About Slice of Haven food and wine festival Slice of Haven food and wine festival is an annual event that was first created to stimulate the local economy in the Camden Haven region of New South Wales, Australia. The festival...

How to make new friends

Moved to a new area lately? Perhaps you've retired or decided on a sea-change. If so, you're probably wondering how to make new friends. We've put together an eleven-point guide to help you on your way.
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