
theo's story

Theo’s Story

Meet Theo...   Life’s Great for the community of Westport Public School! Meet Theo from Dogs Connect at Westport Public School, making a difference to improving the well-being of students. Watch Theo’s story about how be makes the lives of...
steve's story

Steve’s Story

Meet Steve...   Life’s Great for the community of Port Macquarie! For many at The Westport Club, Steve would already be a familiar face! A local who loves giving back and making a significant contribution to the quality of community...

Important information for members

The Westport Club is aware of the data breach affecting some clubs in NSW. Whilst we are not affected, we feel it is important to advise our community that we continue to manage your private information carefully. We understand this...

Volunteer Expo 2024

That’s a wrap on our inaugural Volunteer Expo 2024! An incredible day spent networking and connecting with the GREAT volunteer organisations that make up our community. Community groups of all shapes, sizes, and missions were able to share our space...

Melbourne Cup 2023

That’s a wrap on Melbourne Cup 2023! An incredible afternoon spent lunching, sipping on delicious Rekorderlig Cider & Angove Wines, and backing some winners! We transported our guests straight to the glamorous heart of race day enjoying tunes from the...
reg's story

Reg’s Story

Meet Reg...   It's community heroes like Reg that make Life Great! Reg loves being out on the water with Marine Rescue, and proud to be part of a community that just wants to give back. Volunteering to make our...
andy's story

Andy’s Story

Meet Andy...   Life's Great when you visit Port Macquarie! For many at our club, Andy would already be a familiar face! A local who loves the coastal lifestyle of the Mid-North Coast and makes life great for our Member's...

$10,000 to Flood Relief for Central West NSW

Mingara Leisure Group Provides $10,000 to Flood Relief for Central West NSW The recent floods in the Central West of NSW have left a trail of devastation for many communities. Unbelievable images showing the speed and power at which these...
community manager

Meet Jenny – Community & Sport Manager!

Get an insight into our Westport community!   Our team is what makes us! At The Westport Club we pride ourselves on being a reliable, progressive, safe, and unified group of people that are passionate about living our vision. We...
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