If you love a challenge or you're already addicted to the sport of rock climbing, take an in-depth look at what's involved with rock climbing in Port Macquarie and in general.
National Pie Day originated in the USA mid-1970s. It came to be after nuclear engineer, brewer and teacher Charlie Papazian declared his own birthday, January 23rd, to be National Pie Day. Since 1986, National Pie Day has been sponsored and endorsed by the American...
The recent rain and beautiful Summer storms have been absolutely lovely to experience. They have even promoted a little bit of green in our backyards and across the community. In saying that, it’s important that we do not let this...
Nutella. It’s one of those universally liked ingredients that seems to turn something standard into something incredible. It’s basically its own food category. Nutella is so versatile and loved, it’s been given a day of celebration all across the globe!...
There are so many opinions floating around about Valentine’s Day. Some believe it is a ‘Hallmark Holiday’ and is simply a consumer grab at our wallets. In all fairness, it is definitely the most expensive day of the year to...
Apart from being the year of the Olympics, the leap year in Australia has very little meaning historically or culturally. Leap years exist because it takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds to orbit the...
If you've been straining to keep up with the conversation, or you find yourself saying 'I beg your pardon' a lot, it may be time to get your hearing checked. Read our blog post to learn about the signs of hearing loss, its causes and how to prevent it.