Archive: 2019

Fish and Ships bench seat facing the Hastings River in Port Macquarie

Museums in Port Macquarie

Discover Port Macquarie's Museums When many people hear the word “museum”, they think of a bland building housing dust-worthy relics. That’s certainly not the case with the museums in Port Macquarie. Our local museums and art galleries showcase a rich...
Updates, Tips & Tricks

Maximise your brain health

Fitness for the body…and mind Did you know, keeping active – physically and socially, can help maximise your brain health? It could even help reduce the risk of deterioration of your brain function and brain health as you age. Alzheimer’s...

Fundraising for breast cancer

Helping make Mother’s Day mean more On Sunday 12 May, more than 720 people from across the Port Macquarie-Hastings area got together to celebrate Mother’s Day with a difference and paint the town pink. They were joined by almost 100,000...
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Eat & Drink

Best Chocolate Dessert Recipes

There’s something about chocolate. Chocolate! Who doesn’t love chocolate? Okay, well there are some people out there that don’t like chocolate, but surely they’re in the EXTREME minority, right? World Chocolate Day is on 7 July, so we’re celebrating everything...

Artwalk Port Macquarie

ArtWalk: Celebrating art and culture in Port Macquarie Each year, the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council celebrates art and culture in Port Macquarie by hosting the ArtWalk festival, with the event spanning across several days. It attracts locals and tourists alike and...
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