
Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness can brighten up someone's day (or week). Kindness can also have big health benefits for you and will help to boost your mood. Check out our ideas on how you can sprinkle kindness to your family and friends, co-workers...

Charity Bowls Day boosts Hastings Cancer Trust Funds

The Westport Women’s Bowling Club’s Charity bowls day brings together a great mix of experienced and non-bowlers for a fun day of light entertainment on the bowling greens. This year’s event, held on 22 September, continued the tradition of raising...

The Big Dry

As we all know, Australia is currently in the midst of an unprecedented drought. We have all been witness to some of the devastating results of this drought far too close to home, with the fires that have ravaged our...

Christmas Under the Stars 2019 Photo Gallery

As another year draws to a close, The Westport Club’s flagship event - Christmas Under the Stars - was held in Westport park to celebrate our community and all that is wonderful about the festive season. It was a fantastic...

Love and Dating Around the World

There are so many opinions floating around about Valentine’s Day. Some believe it is a ‘Hallmark Holiday’ and is simply a consumer grab at our wallets. In all fairness, it is definitely the most expensive day of the year to...
A photo of a lady having her ear checked by a doctor

Signs of hearing loss

If you've been straining to keep up with the conversation, or you find yourself saying 'I beg your pardon' a lot, it may be time to get your hearing checked. Read our blog post to learn about the signs of hearing loss, its causes and how to prevent it.
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